Vegetarians are at lower risk of developing these diseases
since they usually eat high quantities of fruits and vegetables which are low
in saturated fat and cholesterol. Jinan
Banna of Livestrong.com says, “Vegetarian diets may be very nutritious if
carefully planned.” This is true; however, vegetarians need to be careful that they adequately substitute for the
protein they do not get from meat. This
is an entire topic of discussion in itself, so I will hold off on the protein
talk until next week.
Banna also says that vegetarian diets “may also be high in
unwanted nutrients and low in those that are needed.” So the question remains – is a vegetarian
diet the more healthy option? I suppose
the answer is still up for debate.
If you are interested in healthy lifestyles and want to
learn more, check out Free to be Fit –
a blog on being active and getting fit.
Erin, loving the insight your providing about vegetarianism. I eat vegetarian about 3-4 times a week. So I have lots of fun recipes. We should swap sometime cause I'm always looking for new ones.